Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Everything is relative. Often we don't realize this. It takes interaction with other people in our lives to realize sometimes that maybe our bad day isn't as bad as we really think. Philisophically, one would never learn or grow if they were hidden in a bubble without exposing their theories or feelings to other people.

I started out my day feeling sorry for myself, for various reasons. I almost cried on the way to work because a few things in my life aren't going like I think they should be going. One of my co-workers was having a similar type of day, relatively. Two of her granchildren were murdered about 6 months ago. She comes to work with a great attitude everyday, there are days when she is struggling extra hard. Today is one of those days for her. I can't imagine any of the pain she must be going through. However, after a brief talk with her this morning, I really felt stupid.

My crap day is nothing compared to her crap day. I would have felt sorry for myself all day and been a grump, but now I realize that I need to be thankful for the things in my life that are positive and going well. I am grateful I am able to exposed to other people and their struggles. It helps one realize that sometimes things aren't as bad as we think. Everything is relative. I may be having a hard time today, but how can I let myself get down over the minute things I am worrying about. I simply can't allow myself to do so.

Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life. ... Omar Khayyam

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