Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Beginning

My life has changed dramatically in the last two days. One day I was in a relationship that I thought was fabulous, well I found out it wasn't. I moved. It was nuts. I can't begin to describe how important my friends are to me. All of them. The ones that live near me, and the ones that live far away. I love all of you all. I am trying my best to stay strong, and remember that I am trying to be a better person. Life is funny and awful sometimes. The awful times really make you get to know yourself. For that I am grateful. I love my job, I love my puppy, and I am loved by my many wonderful friends. You know who you are =) Chin up!

Friday, January 7, 2011

So Far So Good

Well, 2011 has been here exactly seven days. So far so good. 2010 was full of toxins for me. Most of them are now out of my life, and I am ready for this new year. I have had a great week so far. Being positive is one of my focuses for this year. It changes your day so fast if you can keep a positive attitude. My friend Jena and I have signed up to run a half marathon in May. We are just about to start training. This is something that I am looking forward to, but I know it will be a challenge. Staying positve will be an important part of our Journey, it won't be easy. Neither of us really LOVE to run.

My work is going well, and I am very blessed to have a job I love. I am blessed to have true friends who care about me and who I can be honest with. I am blessed with a great family who doesn't judge me and always supports me. I am blessed to be in good health, and I am trying to focus on being more aware of the things I put into my body.

I was watching the news this morning, and they were discussing "Birds Falling out of the Sky." They were taking comments from viewers. One viewer commented on his thought that this was apocolyptic. I really don't know how I feel about this comment, but whatever. I think its important to be at peace with yourself and with your life. My 2011 goals are to conentrate on the kind of person I am, and the kind of person I want to become- ultimately bringing peace.
