Friday, December 31, 2010

NYE 2010

here i sit. at my desk. at work. on nye. im in a grumpy mood. i woke up late, didn't have time to shower, wore a headband. headband started killing my ears, so now i have on an audrey hepburn looking hat that i found in my office.

if i can make it through the day, then i will look forward to the nights events. thunder game pre-party. thunder game. then booze. night at the scurvin. then brunch tomorrow. who am i kidding, we will probably start drinking champagne cocktails at noon today.

happy new years eve everyone. enjoy your last day of 2010! when i am no longer grumpy, my blogs will be properly punctuated with appropriate capital letters.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Snore no more, Snort no more. . .

Pictured above is my baby, Mona Lisa - tiny French Bulldog. Call me crazy, but I just scheduled her rhinoplasty. As you can tell from the above photo- her nose is very much "not a honker." Her nose consists solely of two holes sticking out of her wrinkle face. For some reason this smushed face causes the following; extremely loud snoring, constant snorting (like a pot belly pig), and wicked farts. Alas, all of these things don't bother me, they are actually kind of cute for a dog so small. However, her veterinarian explained why the procedure is used. It will help her breathe easier. They will sort of hollow out her nose, and elongate her palette inside her mouth, which will allow her to be able to chew her food more fully, and not experience as many breathing problems.

The procedure is scheduled for next Friday, January 7, 2010. They will also "spay" her at that time. I will be so sad to drop her off. I hope that she is in minimal pain and she is benefited by this nose procedure. It's special how pets can become so important to us. On the flip side, I think us people are equally important to our pets. They love only us, they have eyes for only us. They just look forward to getting feed, and snuggling a little with their owner. If you are a pet owner, I hope you love your pet, take good care of it, but most of all, cherish them! Their lives are short - so make them full!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Eve Eve

Im giddy at work. I slept too late for comfort today. Early morning meeting went well. My hair is getting longer. I found a diet dr. pepper in the south tower. I need to clean my office. Its Christmas Eve Eve. I'll be ready for a cocktail soon. It's too cold outside for me. Can't wait to sleep in tomorrow. Two amazon packages are arriving at my door approximately NOW. I miss my friends. All of them. Except the disloyal ones. I wish it would snow. Signing off for now.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Everything is relative. Often we don't realize this. It takes interaction with other people in our lives to realize sometimes that maybe our bad day isn't as bad as we really think. Philisophically, one would never learn or grow if they were hidden in a bubble without exposing their theories or feelings to other people.

I started out my day feeling sorry for myself, for various reasons. I almost cried on the way to work because a few things in my life aren't going like I think they should be going. One of my co-workers was having a similar type of day, relatively. Two of her granchildren were murdered about 6 months ago. She comes to work with a great attitude everyday, there are days when she is struggling extra hard. Today is one of those days for her. I can't imagine any of the pain she must be going through. However, after a brief talk with her this morning, I really felt stupid.

My crap day is nothing compared to her crap day. I would have felt sorry for myself all day and been a grump, but now I realize that I need to be thankful for the things in my life that are positive and going well. I am grateful I am able to exposed to other people and their struggles. It helps one realize that sometimes things aren't as bad as we think. Everything is relative. I may be having a hard time today, but how can I let myself get down over the minute things I am worrying about. I simply can't allow myself to do so.

Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life. ... Omar Khayyam

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Oh, poor baby. What do you want, a Whitman's Sampler?

I'm back! After a long vacation,  and alot of changes. I have decided to dedicate at least a few minutes of idle work time to start blogging again.

So I'm at work, right, I adore my job. I really do look forward to being here everday. The personalities around this place are so diverse, I usually leave laughing at something. At any rate, I am taking valuable billable time out of my day to bring you my thoughts on "gifting." Christmas, as it is rapidly sneaking up on us, brings out the generosity in people, and also the stingy traits that some may possess. I love nothing more than to really surprise someone with a gift. Sometimes it is hard though. I am excited about a few of my gifts to others this year. One of my favorite gift-givers is my Grandmother. Throughout the years she has provided a laugh or two at family christmas. One Christmas one of her gifts she was most excited about was "vibrating soap", no explanation needed. She is, however, one of the worst secret keepers. She always tells us everything she bought us before we open it. Mostly I think this is just because she wants to make sure we will like it. She gets severe anxiety over Christmas, always worrying about buying people what they want. It is much appreciated, but I know she would do fine on her own. . . er, maybe not. She did call me up yesterday to ask "Amby, do you like that Brighton Jewelry?" To which I replied, "NO, just get me that Burberry Perfume you got me last year." Ha.

I have done so much of my shopping on Amazon this year. I adore that place, it really is a "Marketplace." I also love getting online and tracking my packages. Theres actually one package"out for delivery" as I type this. Whatever your gifting style, Happy Shopping!

Stay tuned. . .